Good condition used Yamaha clone of a Fender from a Navy guy who got transferred...
Notice that everything has been tagged & bagged...
Scuffed for spot putty next...
Notice where Randy smoothed the ridge off and exposed the wood
There were only a few paint chips to deal with
Sanded down and spot puttied...
Scuffing for the paint coat next...
Now that's some bright red paint!
Oooh, pretty...
Things are starting to take shape now...
Scuffing helps the graphics & clear coats adhere to the paint better
Airbrush artwork by Dennis Wells
One of the most recognizable trademarks on Earth!
Notice fret board is masked off to protect it from overspray...
Randy shot these pix in his garage during the build...
I should probably mention that Randy did a heap of hand polishing to make everything so pretty...
Randy used 2000 grit paper for the final sanding
Like glass...
Masked off for the pinstripe around the edge
Randy used his airbrush for this detail
Drill, Baby, Drill...
Empty miniature plastic Coke bottle (version 1)
Plain, with empty Coke bottle, with other Coke tip
There was a surprising amount of work and detail in the Mexican Coke bottle cap knobs.Randy pointed out that the bottle caps would fit nicely on "speed knobs", one of several knob types available.First, a couple of Coke bottle caps were masked off (to protect the paint on the outside).Then Randy sandblasted away the sticky gum inside.This texture would give the epoxy "tooth" to hold on when the bottle caps are glued to the speed knobs.Randy then masked the insides and clear coated the cap's outsides with urethane...
Notice white speed knobs (above left).The Coke bottle caps really "pop" against the refurbished pickguard and in the bright sunlight... Randy tried to cut the ends off of 2 Coke bottles to use as knobs but it was unsuccessful.Apparently the cutting disk put out a lot of heat and fractured the glass bottles.
Now it's really starting to look like something...
Strings soon...
Now for the guts...
New chrome jack plug...
Notice new Red Devil strings, chrome Humbucker cover, red no-holes pickup covers...
Chrome tag engraved at Village Awards
Vintage hot dog & Coke guitar pick
Seriously, click on the photo for a larger view...